Über uns: Wir sind ein Team aus 4 Personen die schon seid vielen Jahren in der Stadt Berlin stadtführung machen Unsere Angebote: –Angebot 1: Stadtrundtur zu Fuß – Angebot 2: Busrundfahrt durch die ganze Stadt ...
Über uns: Wir sind ein Team aus 4 Personen die schon seid vielen Jahren in der Stadt Berlin stadtführung machen Unsere Angebote: –Angebot 1: Stadtrundtur zu Fuß – Angebot 2: Busrundfahrt durch die ganze Stadt ...
Wanderspaß für alle!
Stadt Besichtigung
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Why is Football a great sport?
When somebody asked me what the best hobby is I would always say football. So here are my examples why you schould try it. There are a lot of positive sides to do this sport. And I hope I can motivate you to try it with my point of view. So the best adventage in opinion is that it is a team sport. You do all thinks togeter and nobody is alone. You win and you lose togeter. It is a great feeling...
“Why Football Is More Than Just a Game”
If you were to ask me what My favourite sport is, my answer would be Football. I stardet playing football in grade 5 but only in a Club from school With two of my Friends because we were the only Girls in the Club thats the reasons we didnt learn much. But then we moved to Itzehoe and about Four Years ago I stared playing in a real Football Team only with Girls. There are many...
Why I consider Gymnastics as a cool Sport
Hey ! My name is Victoria and welcome to my Blog. Today I wanna talk about my favorite Sport, Gymnastics, and why i consider it as beneficial and great. So lets get to the first reason why I like gymnastics. It has a lot of benefits, but why? Gymnastics is great for people who suffer with tensions, back pain, or for people who are simply not really flexible. During gymnastics, you automatically...